Professor Emeritus
David Al-Dabass
School of Computing
& Informatics
Nottingham Trent
NG11 8NS
Telephone: Office: 0115-945-2234 Mobile: 0781-041-5218
My research interests include nature inspired models of architecture
and algorithms for hybrid intelligent systems. It focuses on the development
and application of real time recurrent hybrid networks to semantic mining to
model emergent behaviour. Specific application areas of these techniques have
recently covered behaviour parameter discovery for economic model dynamics and semantics mining for opponent strategy estimation in games play.
Current work attempts to extend these ideas to semantic web intelligence
through dynamical models of ontologies.
Past work with my research students developed algorithms based on
picture grammar for licence plate recognition (J Cowell, 1990, PhD thesis), and
investigated artificial neural network (ANN) and other paradigms for
simulation and parameter estimation (M Cheung, 1992, C Goodwin 1997 PhD theses), multi dimensional pattern classification (A Cheetham, 1996, PhD
thesis) and recognition of pictorial patterns such as Chinese
characters (M Ren, 1998 PhD thesis). Work on
multiprocessor parallelism resulted in: i) the
development of a multiprocessor node interface for parallel processing, based
on the processing needs of simulating non linear
dynamical systems (M Hammes, 1989, PhD thesis),
ii) a Petri-net based parallel processing compiler (N Nakhaee, 1992, PhD
thesis), and iii) the design and simulation of a multiple pipeline
coprocessor for ANN algorithms, but one with sufficiently general purpose
properties to make it suitable for any algorithm involving linear operations
on vectors and matrices (P Vindlacheruvu, 1995, PhD
thesis). Other past work included performance estimation of multiprocessor
parallelism to assess the improvement suggested by multiprocessor
architectures which resulted in the Synchronous Server Farms operational
As Director-of-Studies:
- Mark Hammes, PhD, A
Node Interface for Parallel Processing, 1989.
- John Cowell,
PhD, Character
Recognition in Unconstrained Environments, 1990.
- Nory Nakhaee, PhD, A
Hybrid MIMD/DF Compiler for Parallel Processing, 1992.
- Y Ming Cheung,
PhD, Neural
net Algorithms for Dynamical Systems, 1992.
- Prasad Vindlacheruvu, PhD, Simulation
of a Neural Node Co-processor,
- Andrew Cheetham, PhD, Simulation
of a Multi-Dimensional Pattern Classifier, 1996.
- Christopher
Goodwin, PhD, Real
Time Recursive Block Parameter Estimation of Second Order Systems, 1997.
- Manling Ren, PhD, Algorithms
for Off-Line Recognition of Chinese Characters, 1998.
- Z Hu, PhD, Improved
Multi-dimensional Digital Filter Algorithms using Systolic Structures, (jointly with
Professor Graham King), 1996.
- A Zreiba, MPhil, Simulation
of Real Time Parameter Estimation Algorithms for Time varying Systems,
March 2000.
As second supervisor:
- A Ariyaeeinia, PhD, An
Active Co-ordinate Imaging System for Robot Vision, December 1985.
- V Balendran, PhD, Cosmetic Quality of Surfaces: A
Computational Approach, 1994.
- A Husseinzaman, PhD, Parallel & Distributed
Simulations of Network Systems, November 1995.
- Mark Edwards, PhD, Computer-based Teaching and
Learning in Intelligent Hypermedia Environments, 1999.
Book Chapters/Books (conference proceedings):
- ISBN 978-1-59140-887-1 h/c, Chapter XIII in Enterprise
Architecture and Integration: Methods, Implementation and Technologies,
with Osman and Thakker, ed: Wing Lam & Venky
Shankararaman, publisher: IGI Global.
- ISBN-13: 978-0-7695-2845-8/ISBN-10: 0-7695-2845-7, Library of
Congress Number 2007922207, First Asia Int. Conf. on Modelling &
Simulation, AMS2007, with Zobel, Abraham and Turner,
IEEE Computer Society.
- ISBN 978-1-59904-200-8 h/c, Chapter X in Simulation and
Modeling: Current Technologies and Applications, ed: Asim El Sheikh
et al, publisher: IGI Global.
- ISBN 1-59140-984-5 h/c, Chapter XII in Handbook of
Research on Nature-Inspired Computing, ed: Jean-Philippe Rennard,
publisher: IGI Global.
- ISBN 0-9516509-2-0, 9th ICCMS/UKSIM-2006, with Al-Begain and Orsoni.
- ISBN 1-84233-111-6, 8th ICCMS/UKSIM-2005, with Orsoni.
- ISBN 0-9549016-0-6, CGAIDE 2004, with Mehdi, Gough and Natkin.
- ISBN 1-84233-099-3, UKSIM-2004.
- ISBN 3-936150-25-7, ESM-2003.
- ISBN 1-84233-088-8, UKSIM-2003.
- ISBN 90-77039-04-X, GAME-ON 2001, with Mehdi and Gough.
- ISBN 1-84233-026-8, UKSIM-2001.
- ISBN 0-905488-38-5, UKSIM-1999, with Cheng.
See also:
Refereed Journal
- Osman, T., Thakker,
D. and Al-Dabass, Utilisation
of Case-Based Reasoning for Semantic Web Services Composition, Submitted
to the International Journal of Web Services (JWSR).
- R Cant and D Al-Dabass, A Plague On
Your Genetic Algorithms: Does Simulated Disease Have A Role In
Evolutionary Computation?, IJSSST Vol.7, No. 4
& 5, pp21-24, July 2006,
ISSN:1473-804x Online, ISSN:1473-8031 Print.
- David Al-Dabass, David Evans and K. Sivayoganathan, Simulation Of Industrial Knowledge Mining Algorithms Using Recurrent
Inference Networks, Int.
J. Simulation and Process Modelling, IJSPM,
Vol. 2, Nos. 1/2, 2006, pp 50-62,
ISSN 1740-2131
(online), 1740-2123 (print).
- Q Wu, Joanna Hartley, David Al-Dabass,
Time-Dependent Stochastic Shortest Path Algorithms for a Scheduled
Transportation Network, IJSSST Vol.6, No. 7 & 8, pp53-60, June 2005, ISSN:1473-804x Online,
ISSN:1473-8031 Print.
- Janet F. Poliakoff,
Yuan K. Chow, Paul A. Orton, M. Howson, David Al-Dabass,
Evaluation By Simulation Of Interpolation And Acceleration Algorithms
For Stepper Motors, IJSSST Vol.6, No. 7 - 8, pp18-29, June 2005, ISSN:1473-804x Online,
ISSN:1473-8031 Print.
- Michael
Thomas, Etvim Peytchev
and David Al-Dabass, Auto-Sensing and Distribution of Traffic Information in Vehicular
Ad Hoc Networks, IJSSST Vol.5, No. 3 & 4, pp59-63, September
2004, ISSN:1473-804x Online,
ISSN:1473-8031 Print.
- Corneliu Arsene, Andrzej Bargiela,
and David Al-Dabass, Simulation of Network Systems based on Loop Flows Algorithms, IJSSST
Vol.5, No. 1 & 2, pp61-72, June 2004, ISSN:1473-804x Online, ISSN:1473-8031 Print.
- D. Al-Dabass,
D. J. Evans, S. Sivayoganathan, Signal
Parameter Tracking Algorithms using Hybrid Recurrent Networks, I. J. of
Computer Mathematics, Vol. 80, No. 10, October 2003, pp 1313 - 1322 ,
ISSN 0020-7160 print.
- Chris Roadknight,
Dominic Palmer-Brown, David Al-Dabass,
Simulation of Correlation Activity Pruning Methods to Enhance
Transparency of Anns, IJSST, Vol.4, No.1
& 2, pp68-74, May 2003, ISSN:1473-804x
Online, ISSN:1473-8031 Print.
- D. Al-Dabass,
R. Cant, N. Chia, AI Architectures for Games: A Review of 3D Accelerator
Technology, pp18-24, Vol.1, No.1, March 2002, International Journal of
Intelligent Games & Simulation, ISSN 1477-2043.
- D. Al-Dabass,
A. Zreiba, D. J. Evans, S. Sivayoganathan,
Parameter Estimation Algorithms for Hierarchical Distributed Systems, I.
J. of Computer Mathematics, Vol. 79, No. 1, January 2002, pp65-88, ISSN
- D. Al-Dabass,
A. Zreiba, D. Evans and K Sivayoganathan,
Hierarchical Parameter Estimation Algorithms, I. J. of Computer
Mathematics, Vol. 80, No. 3 & 4, July 2001.
- Manling Ren, David Al-Dabass, Simulation
Of Fuzzy Possibilistic Algorithms For Recognising Chinese Characters, IJSST, Vol.2, No.1,
pp1-13, June 2001, ISSN:1473-804x Online, ISSN:1473-8031 Print.
- Richard Cant, Julian Churchill, David
Al-Dabass, Using Hard And Soft Artificial
Intelligence Algorithms To Simulate Human Go Playing Techniques, IJSST,
Vol.2, No.1, pp31-40, June 2001, ISSN:1473-804x
Online, ISSN:1473-8031 Print.
- Al-Dabass,
A. Cheetham and D. J. Evans, Simulation of a
Multi-Dimensional Pattern Classifier, Int. J. of Computer Mathematics,
Vol. 71, No. 2 (April 1999), ISSN 0020-7160, pp197-233.
- M. Ren, D. Al-Dabass, and D. Su, "A Three-Layer Hierarchy for
Off-Line Recognition of Chinese Characters, The International Journal
of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages (CPOL), Vol 11, No. 4,
June 1998, pp409-426, ISSN 1027-7676.
- Al-Dabass,
P. Vindlacheruvu, and D. J. Evans,
"Parallelism in Neural Nets, Vol. 11, No. 3-4, (July 1997), pp
169-185, Int. Journal of Parallel Algorithms and Applications,
ISSN 1063-7192.
- M. Ren, D. Al-Dabass, and D. Su, "Using a Syntactic Method to
Partition a Chinese Character, The Caledonian International
Engineering Journal, 1996, 96(1), pp.51-60, edited by David J.
Petty, published by Scottish Maintenance Centre Ltd., ISBN
- Z. Hu, G.A. King, and D. Al-Dabass,
"An Optical Carry Chain Fast Adder, Radioelectronics,
ISSN 1210-2512, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp21-24, Dec 1994.
- Bargiela and D. Al-Dabass,
"A Simulated Real-Time Environment for Verification of Advanced
Water Network Control Algorithms, pp.51-62, Vol. 14, No. 3, Systems
Science, 1988.
- D. Al-Dabass,
"Two Methods for the Solution of the Dynamic Programming Algorithm
on a Multiprocessor Cluster, in Optimal Control: Applications and
Methods, vol.1, no.3 July-Sept 1980, pp227-238.
- D. Al-Dabass,
New Trends in Systems Analysis, (review of proceedings of Int. Symposium
held in Versailles, Dec. 1976), KYBERNETES: Inter. Journal of
Cybernetics and General Systems, vol.8, 1979, pp.325-326.
- D. Al-Dabass,
Applied General Systems Research: Recent Developments and Trends,
(review of Inter. Conf. Held at New York State University, August 1977),
KYBERNETES: Inter. Journal of Cybernetics and General Systems,
VOL.8, 1979, PP.326-327.
- D. Al-Dabass,
A Reconfigurable Parallel Processing Structure for Adaptive State
Estimation, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement &
Control, vol.1, no.4, Oct-Dec, 1979, pp.227-232.
- D. Al-Dabass,
Hardware Aspects of Array and Pipeline Processors for Control
Applications, Computer Survey 1979/3, pp.2-13.
- D. Al-Dabass
and R. Eatock, BASIC External Function for the
Control of an Analogue Computer System, Simulation, vol. 24. No.
4, April 1975, pp.103-108, ISSN 0037-5497.
Conference papers:
- David Al-Dabass and Manling Ren, Semantic Mining Dynamics for games
language processing, Asia Modelling Symposium 2007, 27-30 March, Phuket,
pp313-318, IEEE Computer society, ISBN-13:
978-0-7695-2845-8/ISBN-10: 0-7695-2845-7.
- Osman, T., Thakker,
D., Al-Dabass, D., Lazer,
D., and Deleplanque, G(2006) Semantic-Driven Matchmaking
of Web services using Case-Based Reasoning, in the Proceedings of the
2006 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2006),
September 18-22, 2006, Chicago, USA, 29-36.
- David Al-Dabass,
Richard Cant, Caroline Langensiepen,
"Semantics Mining for Opponent Strategy Estimation", CGAMES
2006, Louisville, Kentucky, 24-27 July 2006, ISBN 0-9549016-1-4.
- David Al-Dabass, Evtim Peytchev, Mohamed
Khalil, Manling Ren, "Scalability Issues
in Urban Traffic Systems" (Invited paper), INFOSCALE-2006, 1st Int.
Conf. on Scalable Information systems, May 30 - June 1, City University
of Hong Kong.
- David Al-Dabass,
"Scalability Performance Models for Grid Parallelism", Infoscale Work in Progress Workshop (I-WIPW),
INFOSCALE-2006, 1st Int. Conf. on Scalable Information systems, May 30 -
June 1, City University of Hong Kong.
- Thakker, D., Osman, T., and Al-Dabass,
D., S-CBR: Semantic Case Based Reasoner for Web services discovery and
matchmaking, 20th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ECMS
2006), Bonn, Germany, 28-31 May 2006.
- R Cant, D Al-Dabass, A Plague On Your Genetic Algorithm: Does
Simulated Disease Have A Role In Evolutionary Computation?, 9th Int. Conference on Computer
Modeling & Simulation (9th
Oriel College, Oxford, 4 - 6 April 2006, pp38-41, ISBN
- Daniel Rhodes, Richard
Cant, Caroline Langensiepen, David Al-Dabass, Teaching
Shader Programming For Games, 9th
Int. Conference on Computer Modeling & Simulation (9th
Oriel College, Oxford, 4 - 6 April 2006, pp42-46, ISBN 0-9516509-2-0.
- Dhavalkumar Thakker, Taha Osman, David Al-Dabass,
Based Automatic Assignment In Web Services Composition, 9th Int. Conference
on Computer Modeling & Simulation (9th
Oriel College, Oxford, 4 - 6 April 2006, pp67-71, ISBN
- H Khider, P Fitzgerald, D
Al-Dabass, Web-Based Application For Ashfield
Scaffolding Ltd, 9th Int. Conference on Computer Modeling
& Simulation (9th
Oriel College, Oxford, 4 - 6 April 2006, pp128-132, ISBN 0-9516509-2-0.
- D. Al-Dabass, D. Evans, M. Ren, Hybrid Multi Agent Data
Mining Kalman Architecture for Natural
Language Processing, 10th Annual National Symposium on Computaitonal Science and Engineering, ANSCSE-10,
22-24 March 2006, Chiang Mai University, Thailand, pp302-307, ISBN
- Dhavalkumar
Thakker, Taha Osman,
David Al-Dabass, Web Services Hybrid Dynamic Composition Models for Ubiquitous
Computing Networks, IEEE 8th Int. Conf. on Advanced
Communication Technology, Phoenix Park, Korea, 22-24 Feb 2006, paper No.
02D-3, pp274-280, ISSN 1738-9445, ISBN 89-5519-130-8.
- Evtim
Peytchev, Taha
Osman, David Al-Dabass, Michael Thomas, Shi Zhi, Communication
Technologies for Collaborative Sensing and Control in Vehicular Ad-Hoc
Networks, IEEE 8th
Int. Conf. on Advanced Communication Technology, Phoenix Park, Korea,
22-24 Feb 2006, paper No. 09B-2, pp1797-1799, ISSN 1738-9445, ISBN
- Ben Sizer, David Al-Dabass, Richard
Cant, Genetic
Algorithms For Team Battle Tactics, pp 283-289, CGAMES-2005 Angouleme, France, 28-30 November,
2005, ISBN 0-9549016-2-6, pp 283-289.
- Matthew Bancroft, Richard Cant, Caroline Langensiepen,
David Al-Dabass, A Game Engine for Mobile
Phones, pp 89-95, CGAMES-2005 Angouleme,
France, 28-30 November, 2005, ISBN 0-9549016-2-6, pp 89-95.
- Michelle Haskard, Richard Cant, David
Al-Dabass, Creating Disordered Scenes, pp
171-176, CGAMES-2005 Angouleme,
France, 28-30 November, 2005, ISBN 0-9549016-2-6, pp 171-176.
- D. Al-Dabass,
D Evans, K Sivayoganathan, "Knowledge
Mining Architectures using Recurrent Hybrid Inference Networks",
CCSP'05, 1st Int. Conf. on Computers, Communications and Signal
Processing, Kuala Lumpur, 14-16 November, 2005, IEEE catalogue no.
05EX1242, ISBN 1-4244-0011-2, pp157-159.
- D. Al-Dabass, D. Evans, M. Ren,
Observability in Hybrid Multi Agent Recurrent Nets for Natural Language
Processing, IEEE 5th Int. Conference on Hybrid Intelligent
Systems, 6-9 November 2005, Rio de Janeiro, pp 506-508, ISBN
- Osman T., Thakker D., Al-Dabass D., Bridging the Gap between Workflow and
Semantic-based Web services Composition, proceedings of WSCOMPS05,
IEEE/WIC/ACM I. conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent
Technology, Campiegne University of
Technology, France, 19-20 Sep. 2005, pp. 13-23, ISBN: 2-913923-18-6.
- D Thakker, Taha
Osman, David Al-Dabass, Web Services
Composition: A pragmatic View of the Present and the Future, pp826-832,
19th European Conference on Modeling and Simulation
(ECMS2005), June 1-4, Riga, Latvia, Editors: Yuri Merkuryev, Richard Zobel, Eugene Kerckhoffs,
Vol-1 ISBN: 1-84233-115-9.
- Shi Zhi, Michael Thomas, Evtim Peytchev, Taha Osman, David Al-Dabass,
Embedded Communication and Java Technologies for Traffic Information in
Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, paper 464-026, Int. conference on Networks and Communication Systems (NCS2005),
Editors: M.H. Hamza, P. Prapinmonkolkarn, T. Angkaew, Krabi, Thailand,
April 18-20, 2005, ISBN: 0-88986-490-X.
- C. K. Tan, K. Sivayoganathan,
V. Balendran, David Al-Dabass,
Spatial Representation and Sensory Integration for Mobile Robot Tasks, 8th
Int. Conference on Computer Modeling & Simulation (8th
Johns College, Oxford, 6 - 8 April 2005, pp12-19, ISBN 1-84233-111-6.
- Qiujin
Wu, Joanna Hartley, David Al-Dabass, Review of
Shortest Path Algorithms in a Time-Dependant
Stochastic Transportation Network, 8th Int. Conference on
Computer Modeling & Simulation (8th
Johns College, Oxford, 6 - 8 April 2005, pp52-57, ISBN 1-84233-111-6.
- Kumar Thakker, Taha Osman, David Al-Dabass,
Private UDDI Registry Models for B2B Web Services, 8th Int.
Conference on Computer Modeling & Simulation (8th
Johns College, Oxford, 6 - 8 April 2005, pp121-126, ISBN 1-84233-111-6.
- David Al-Dabass, Hybrid Recurrent Nets
for De-Noising in Knowledge Mining Algorithms, pp 28-37, Proc 9th
Annual National Symposium on Computational Science and Engineering (ANSCSE-9),
23-25 March, 2005, Mahidol University,
Bangkok, Thailand.
- Mohamed Khalil, Evtim Peytchev, David Al-Dabass,
A Computing Environment for Urban Traffic Systems, IEEE 7th
Int. Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, Phoenix Park,
Korea, 21-23 February 2005, 5D-01, ISBN 89-5519-124-3.
- Faiz Muhammad, Taha Osman, David Al-Dabass,
A 2-D Interface for Mobile Users as a J2ME Application for the ATTAIN
Project, IEEE 7th Int. Conference on Advanced Communication
Technology, Phoenix Park, Korea, 21-23 February 2005, 4E-01, ISBN
- David Al-Dabass, David Evans, Manling Ren, A New Hybrid Methodology for
Intelligent Chinese Character Recognition, HIS-04, 4th Int. Conference on Hybrid Intelligent
Systems, December 05-08, 2004, Kitakyushu, Japan, Ed. Masumi
Ishikawa et al, pp104-109, ISBN
0-7695-2291-2, IEEE
Computer Society Press.
- Mathew Bancroft, D. Al-Dabass, A Combat Simulation Aid for Dungen and Dragons, CGAIDE2004, 5th
Game-on Int. Conf, 8-10 November, Microsoft
HQ, Reading, UK, ISBN 0-9549016-0-6, pp60-64.
- Daniel Rhodes, Richard Cant, C. Langensiepen, D. Al-Dabass,
Programmable GPUs and Shading Languages: Past, Present and Future,
CGAIDE2004, 5th Game-on Int. Conf,
8-10 November, Microsoft HQ, Reading, UK, ISBN 0-9549016-0-6, pp66-70.
- A. Arokiasamy,
D. Al-Dabass, Rajan Periyanayagam, Simulating Animation by regular
Deformation using OpenGL, CGAIDE2004, 5th Game-on Int. Conf, 8-10 November, Microsoft HQ, Reading, UK, ISBN
0-9549016-0-6, pp89-93.
- Julian Churchill, Richard Cant, D. Al-Dabass, Using Neural Network Techniques within a GO
Playing Program, CGAIDE2004, 5th Game-on Int. Conf, 8-10 November, Microsoft HQ, Reading, UK, ISBN
0-9549016-0-6, pp187-192.
- D. Al-Dabass,
D. Evans, S. Sivayoganathan, Simulation of
Recurrent Inference Networks for Intelligent Systems, 8th
Annual National Symposium on Computational Science an Engineering, July
21-23, Suranaree University of Technology
(SUT), Thailand, ISBN 974-533-352-2, p265-268.
- R. Cant, D. Al-Dabass,
Nathan Chia, Graphics processing Architecture for Games, CGiV04, Int. Conf on Computer Graphics, Imaging and
Visualization, Universiti Sains
Malaysia, Penang, 26-29 July, ISBN 983-861-289-8, pp122-129.
- Jack Saunders, Alan Battersby,
David Al-Dabass, An Intelligent Systems Model
of the Piano Tuner, UKSIM2004, Conf. Proc. of
the UK Simulation Society, St Catherines College,
Oxford, 29
- 31 March 2004, pp75-80, ISBN
- Esther Boal, Taha
Osman, D. Al-Dabass, Distributed Data Models
Using Xml Based Client Server Communication and Soap, UKSIM2004, Conf. Proc. of
the UK Simulation Society, St Catherines College,
Oxford, 29
- 31 March 2004, pp95-104, ISBN
- Michael Thomas, Evtim
Peytchev, David Al-Dabass,
Auto-Sensing And Distribution Of Traffic Information In Vehicular Ad Hoc
Networks, UKSIM2004, Conf. Proc. of
the UK Simulation Society, St Catherines College,
Oxford, 29
- 31 March 2004, pp124-128, ISBN
- Corneliu Arsene,
Andrzej Bargiela And David Al-Dabass, Simulation Of Network Systems Based On Loop
Flows Algorithms, UKSIM2004, Conf. Proc. of
the UK Simulation Society, St Catherines College,
Oxford, 29
- 31 March 2004, pp178-186, ISBN
- Julian Churchill, Richard Cant, David Al-Dabass, A Hybrid Genetic Alternative To Game Tree
Search In Go, UKSIM2004, Conf. Proc. of
the UK Simulation Society, St Catherines College,
Oxford, 29
- 31 March 2004, pp156-161, ISBN
- Daniel Rhodes, Richard Cant, David Al-Dabass, Depth Of Field Algorithms For More Realistic
Simulations, UKSIM2004, Conf. Proc. of
the UK Simulation Society, St Catherines College,
Oxford, 29
- 31 March 2004, pp162-168, ISBN
- David Al-Dabass and Manling
Ren, Chinese Character Recognition for Intelligent Transport Systems, OHP,
2004 IEEE Int. Conf. On Networking, Sensing and Control, March 21-23,
Taipei, Taiwan, pp795-800, ISBN: 0-7803-8193-9.
- Shi Zhi, Taha
Osman, Evtim Peytchev
and David Al-Dabass, A Review of Communication
and Java Technologies in the ATTAIN Project, 2004 IEEE Int. Conf. On
Networking, Sensing and Control, March 21-23, Taipei, Taiwan,
pp1400-1405, ISBN: 0-7803-8193-9.
- David Al-Dabass,
Innovations In Postgraduate Computing Programmes, 4th Information and
Computer Engineering Postgraduate Workshop 2004 (ICEP 2004), 22-23
January 2004, Department of
Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Prince of Songkla University, Phuket, Thailand, pp XXII-XXVII, ISBN
974-644-518-9, OHPs.
- Daniel Rhodes, Richard Cant,
David Al-Dabass, Current Depth of Field
Algorithms & Techniques For Games, Game-on 2003, 4th
International Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation, IEE Savoy
Place, London, November 19-21, 2003, pp147-151, ISBN 90-77381-05-8.
- Daniel Rhodes, Richard Cant,
David Al-Dabass, A New Depth of Field Algorithm
with Applications to Games, Game-on 2003, 4th International
Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation, IEE Savoy Place, London,
November 19-21, 2003, pp157-161, ISBN 90-77381-05-8.
- Julian Churchill, Richard Cant,
David Al-Dabass, Genetic Search Techniques for
Line of Play Generation in the Game of GO, Game-on 2003, 4th
International Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation, IEE Savoy
Place, London, November 19-21, 2003, pp233-237, ISBN 90-77381-05-8.
- D. Al-Dabass,
D. Evans and S. Sivayoganathan, Signal
Processing Using Hybrid Recurrent Models For Data Mining Knowledge
Discovery In Financial Trajectories, OHPs,
SIP 2003, 5th IASTED International
Conference on SIGNAL and IMAGE PROCESSING, August 13-15, 2003, Honolulu,
Hawaii, USA, Ed. M. H. Hamza, pp456-460, ISBN 0-88986-378-4, ISSN
- D Al-Dabass
and M Ren, Interweaving of Syntax and Semantics in Algorithms For
Recognising Chinese Characters, OHPs, ICCPOL2003, 20th International Conference on
Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, August 4-6, 2003, Northeastern University, Shenyang, China, published
as Advances in Computation of Oriental Languages, Ed. Maosong Sun, Tianshun Yao
and Chunfa Yuan, Tsinghua University Press,
pp576-584, ISBN 7-302-06942-5/TP.5130.
- D Al-Dabass,
D Evans and S Sivayoganathan, Implicit
De-Noising In Hybrid Recurrent Nets For Meta Knowledge Abduction,
IJCNN-03, IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, July
20-24, 2003, Portland, Oregon.
- D. Al-Dabass, Editor, ESM2003, 17th European
Simulation Multi-conference 2003, The Nottingham Trent University,
Nottingham, 9 - 11 June 2003,
ISBN 3-936150-25-7.
- J.C. Simner,
S. Beck, M. Wuwer, T. Osman And D. Al-Dabass , CGI Control Of Remote Telecommunication
Equipment, pp618-627, ESM2003,
17th European Simulation Multi-conference 2003, The
Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 9 - 11 June 2003,,
ISBN 3-936150-25-7.
- J.C. Simner,
J. Conway, T. Osman And D. Al-Dabass , Case
Study Of 100% Test Coverage, pp628-635, ESM2003, 17th European Simulation
Multi-conference 2003, The Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 9 -
11 June 2003,,
ISBN 3-936150-25-7.
- Ann Gray,
R. Whitelock, E. Peytchev
And D. Al-Dabass , Tcp/Ip Connection Management Using A Real-Time
Development Tool, pp636-643, ESM2003, 17th European
Simulation Multi-conference 2003, The Nottingham Trent University,
Nottingham, 9 - 11 June 2003,,
ISBN 3-936150-25-7.
- D. Al-Dabass,
D. Evans and S. Sivayoganathan, Hierarchical
Causal Parameter Abduction In Integral-Hybrid Logic Nets, Florida AI
Research Society (FLAIRS 2003) Conference, 12-14 May 2003, St.
Augustine, Florida,
- D. Al-Dabass,
Editor, UKSIM2003, Fifth National Conference of the UK Simulation
Society, Emmanuel College,
Cambridge, 9 - 11 April 2003,'03/programme%20no-links.htm,
ISBN 1-84233-088-8.
- D. Al-Dabass,
David Evans and Siva Sivayoganathan,
"Hybrid Recurrent Models for meta Knowledge Abduction", UKSIM2003,
Conf. Proc. of the UK Simulation Society, Emmanuel College,
Cambridge, 9 - 11 April 2003, pp152 - 157, ISBN 1-84233-088-8.
- A. Aravinthan,
K.Sivayoganathan, D.Al-Dabass
& V.Balendran,, "Forging-Force
Control Models using Servomechanism", UKSIM2003, Conf. Proc. of
the UK Simulation Society, Emmanuel College, Cambridge, 9 - 11 April
2003, pp140 - 146, ISBN 1-84233-088-8.
- D. Al-Dabass,
Mechanisation of Thought Processes, Panel D, Grand Challenges for
Computing Research, Sponsored by the UK Computing Research Committee,
with support from EPSRC and NeSC, available on
the website:
- Julian Churchill, Richard Cant,
David Al-Dabass, A Comparative Assessment of
Recent Hybrid AI Techniques for Games, 3rd International Conference on
Intelligent Games and Simulation, London, November 29-30, 2002, pp10-15,
ISBN 90-77039-10-4.
- Ryan Doyle, Richard Cant, David
Al-Dabass, Real Time Generation of Impact
Effects in Virtual Environments with Application to Games, 3rd
International Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation, London,
November 29-30, 2002, pp47-55, ISBN 90-77039-10-4.
- James Flannery, Richard Cant,
David Al-Dabass, A New Realistic Motion Blur
Algorithm, 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Games and
Simulation, London, November 29-30, 2002, pp56-62, ISBN 90-77039-10-4.
- David
Al-Dabass, David Evans, Siva Sivayoganathan, Estimation
Of Signal Parameters Using A New Recurrent Hybrid Algorithm, OHPs,
IASTED Int. Conf on Signal & Image
Processing (SIP 2002), Kauai, Hawaii, 12-14 August 2002, Editor N. Younan, pp72-76, ISBN 0-88986-340-7, ISSN 1482-7921.
- D. Al-Dabass,
D. Evans, S. Sivayoganathan, A Recurrent Network Architecture for Nonlinear
Parameter Tracking Algorithms, 2nd Int. Conf. On Neural,
Parallel & Scientific Computations (ICNPSC02), 7-10 August 2002, Morehouse College, Atlanta, Ed M. P. Bekakos et al, Vol.2, pp167-170, ISBN 0-9640398-2-6.
- D. Al-Dabass,
D. Evans, S. Sivayoganathan, Intelligent
System Modelling and Simulation using Hybrid Recurrent Networks,
Workshop on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA02), 7-8
August 2002, Atlanta, Ed A. Abraham et al, pp23-28, ISBN 0-9640398-0-X.
- David Al-Dabass,Modelling
The Complexity Of Concept Dynamics, OHPs
46th Conference of the Int. Society for the Systems Sciences
(ISSS 2002), 2-6 August 2002, Shanghai, pp27-28 ISBN 0-9664183-9-5.
- R. Bardell,
K. Sivayoganathan V. Balendran,
D. Al-Dabass, The
Analysis And Decomposition Of Free-Form Surface Models, ESM2002,
Darmstadt, 3-5 June, pp 350-352, ISBN 90-77039-07-4.
- Julian Churchill, Richard Cant,
David Al-Dabass, Feasability Of Distributed Parallel Simulation Of AI
Search Algorithms, ESM2002, Darmstadt, 3-5 June, pp 168-171, ISBN
- D. Al-Dabass,
D. Evans, S. Sivayoganathan, Analytical
Models For Parameter Tracking Algorithms Using Hybrid Recurrent Networks,
ESM2002, Darmstadt, 3-5 June, pp 527-531, ISBN 90-77039-07-4.
- D. Al-Dabass,
D. Evans S. Sivayoganathan, Derivative
Abduction using a Recurrent Network Architecture for Parameter Tracking
Algorithms, IEEE Int Joint Conf on Neural Networks (IJCNN02), 12-17 May 2002,
Honolulu, Hawaii, pp1570-74, ISBN 0-7803-7278-6, ISBN 0-7803-7279-4 and
ISBN 0-7803-7281-6 (CD-Rom).
- Richard
Cant, Julian Churchill, David Al-Dabass, A
Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Approach With Application To Games, World Congress on Computational Intelligence
(2002-WCCI), IEEE Int Joint Conf on Neural Networks (IJCNN02), 12-17 May 2002,
Honolulu, Hawaii, pp1575-1580, ISBN 0-7803-7278-6, ISBN 0-7803-7279-4
and ISBN 0-7803-7281-6 (CD-Rom).
- P Breedon,
K Sivayoganathan, V Balendran,
D Al-Dabass, Multi
Axis Fuzzy Control And Performance Analysis For An Industrial Robot,
2002-WCCI, IEEE Int Conf
on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), 12-17 May 2002, Honolulu, Hawaii,
pp500-505, ISBN 0-7803-7280-8 and ISBN 0-7803-7281-6.
Up to 2001
- Richard Cant, Julian Churchill,
David Al-Dabass, "Using Hard And Soft Artificial
Intelligence Algorithms To Simulate Human Go Playing Techniques",
Int. J. of Simulation, Vol. 2, No.1, June 2001, pp
31-49, ISSN 1473-804x Online, ISSN 1473-8031 Print.
- Manling Ren, David Al-Dabass,
Of Fuzzy Possibilistic Algorithms For
Recognising Chinese Characters", Int. J. of Simulation, Vol. 2, No.1, June 2001, pp
1-13, ISSN 1473-804x Online, ISSN 1473-8031 Print.
- Nathan Chia, Richard Cant, David
Al-Dabass, "A
Review of 3-D Accelerator Technology for Games", GAME-ON 2001, The Second International Conference on
Intelligent Games and Simulation, London, November 30 - December 1,
2001, pp5-11, ISBN 90-77039-04-X..
- Richard Cant, Nathan Chia, David
Al-Dabass, "New
Anti-Aliasing and Depth of Field Techniques for Games",
GAME-ON 2001, The Second International Conference on Intelligent
Games and Simulation, London, November 30 - December 1, 2001, pp117-122,
ISBN 90-77039-04-X.
- Julian Churchill, Richard Cant,
David Al-Dabass, "A
New Computational Approach to the Game of Go", GAME-ON 2001, OHPs,The Second
International Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation, London,
November 30 - December 1, 2001, pp81-86, ISBN 90-77039-04-X.
- Yusuf, Y. Y., Gunasekaran,
A. and Al-Dabass, D., Simulation and Modelling
of Enterprise Information Systems Implementation: A Preliminary
Investigation, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 4192 on Intelligent Systems in Design
and Manufacturing III, Boston, USA, October 28 - 31, 2001
- D.Al-Dabass, "A Distributed Parallel Architecture using
Client Server Model for Parameter Tracking Algorithms", OHPs, ESS2001, pp87-91, Marseille,
18-20 October 2001, ISBN 90-77039-02-3.
- D. Al-Dabass,
A Review of the book 'Introduction
to Neuro-Fuzzy Systems' by Robert Fuller, Expert Update, BCS, Vol 4,
No 2, Summer 2001, ISSN 1465-4091.
- D. Al-Dabass,
Computer Science View of Artificial Life", 'Fundamentals of
Computer Science' project, Computer Science and Telecommunications
Board, National Research Council, 2101 Constitution Avenue NW, HA-560,
Washington, DC 20418.
- E.O. Adeleye*,
Y.Y. Yusuf, K. Sivayoganathan, D. Al-Dabass, " An
Exploratory Study of the Impact of Process Automation and Employee
Empowerment on Competitive Capabilities and Performance", ICPR-16, 16th Int. Conf on Production Research, 29 July - 3 August
2001, Prague.
- D. Al-Dabass,
Kalman Observer Computational Model for
Metaphor Based Creativity", panel paper, workshop on Creative
Systems, ICCBR2001, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, 31 July 2001.
- C. Roadknight,
D Palmer-Brown, D. Al-Dabass, "Simulation
of Correlation Activity Pruning Methods to Enhance Transparency of
ANNs", UKSIM2001, Conf. Proc. of the UK Simulation Society,
Emmanuel College, Cambridge, 28-30 March 2001, pp56-62, ISBN
- Dr.K.Sivayoganathan, Dr. D. Al-Dabass and Dr. V.Balendran, "Simulation - What's
missing?", UKSIM2001, Conf. Proc. of the UK Simulation Society,
Emmanuel College, Cambridge, 28-30 March 2001, pp99-102, ISBN
- A. Aravinthan,
K.Sivayoganathan, D.Al-Dabass
& V.Balendran, "A Neural Network
System For Spot Weld Strength Prediction", UKSIM2001, Conf.
Proc. of the UK Simulation Society, Emmanuel College, Cambridge,
28-30 March 2001, pp156-160, ISBN 1-84233-026-8,'01/Papers/NTU/AraviArumugam/paper.doc.
- Y. Y. Yusuf, A. Gunasekaran, D Al-Dabass,
J Ren, "A Mathematical Modelling Framework for Agile Manufacturing
Systems", Conf. Proc. of the UK Simulation Society, Emmanuel
College, Cambridge, 28-30 March 2001, pp216-222, ISBN 1-84233-026-8,'01/Papers/NTU/YahaYusuf/paper.doc.
- Seminar: Simulation of
Parameter Estimation Algorithms, 7 March 2001.
- A. Aravinthan,
K. Sivayoganathan, D. Al-Dabass,
V. Balendran, "Modelling
and Simulation of a Spot Welding Process,- an Overview", OR42,
42nd annual national conference of the UK Operational
Research Society, Cardiff University, 12-14 September 2000.
- A. Aravinthan,
K. Sivayoganathan, V Balendran,
D. Al-Dabass, "Effect of Resistance Spot
Welding on Electrode deformation", NCMR 2000, 16th
National Conf. on Manufacturing Research, University of East London, 5-7
September 2000.
- I Lopez-Juarez, L Brignone, K Sivayoganathan,
V Balendran, D Al-Dabass,
and M Howarth, "Reducing Positional Errors in Robots using Adaptive
Resonance Theory (ART)", International Conference on Gearing,
Transmission and Mechanical Systems, 3-6 July, 2000, Nottingham Trent
- J. K. Pollard and D. Al-Dabass, Editors, "SIMULATION'99",
Proceedings of a workshop organised by UCL-Centre for Systems
Engineering and UKSim, 29 October 1999, UCL,
- C DiSouza,
D Al-Dabass, K Sivayoganathan,
V. Balendran., "Simulation
of Object Recognition by a Robot", Simulation'99
Workshop, UCL, London, 29 October 1999, pp23-26.
- Lopez-Juarez, D. Al-Dabass, M. Howarth, K. Sivayoganathan,
Force Pattern Simulation Towards Real-Time Robotic Assembly
Control", Simulation'99 Workshop, UCL, London, 29 October 1999,
- D. Al-Dabass,
A. Zreiba, D. Evans, K. Sivayoganathan.,
of Noise Sensitivity of Parameter Estimation Algorithms, Simulation'99
Workshop, UCL, London, 29 October 1999, pp32-35.
- K. Sivayoganathan
and D. Al-Dabass, "Simulation and Robot
Calibration", UKSIM'99, Conference Proceedings of the UK
Simulation Society, St Catharine's College, Cambridge, 7-9 April
1999, pp19-22,,
ISBN 0-905488-38-5.
- D. Al-Dabass,
A. Zreiba, D. Evans and K Sivayoganathan,
"Simulation of Three Parameter Estimation Algorithms for Pattern
Recognition Architecture", UKSIM'99, Conference Proceedings of
the UK Simulation Society, St Catharine's College, Cambridge, 7-9
April 1999, pp170-176,,
ISBN 0-905488-38-5.
- Lopez Juarez, M. Howarth, K. Sivayoganathan and D. Al-Dabass,
"A Strategy to Control Contact Force for Robotics Assembly",
1998 Int. Symposium on Robotics and Automation, Saltillo, Coahuila,
Mexico, Dec. 12-14.
- Bai Li and D. Al-Dabass, "Improvements to a Genetic Algorithm
for Pattern Recognition", EIS-98, Int
ICSC Symposium on Engineering of Intelligent Systems, February 11 -
13, University of La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain, 1998.
- M. Ren, D. Al-Dabass, and D. Su, "Using Associative Memory
Neural Network with Sub-nets Structure for Classification of Radicals in
Chinese Characters", ICNN&B'98, International Conference on
Neural Networks and Brain, pp86-89, 1998, 27-30 October, Beijing,
China, ISBN 7-5053-5066-8/TN.1216.
- DiSouza, K. Sivayoganathan,
D. Al-Dabass, and V. Balendran,
"Depth Estimation of an Object using Stereoscopic Vision",
pp119-124, Advances in Manufacturing Technology XII, Proceedings of
the 14th National Conference on Manufacturing Research,
Ed: R. W. Baines, A. Taleb-Bendiab & Z.
Zhao, 7-9 Sept 1998, Derby, ISBN 1-86058-172-2.
- M. Ren, D. Al-Dabass, and D. Su, "A Fuzzy/Possibilistic-Reasoning
AM-Architecture for Recognising Radicals in Chinese Characters", ISFL'97:
Proceedings of the Second International ICSC (International Computer
Science Conventions) Symposium on Fuzzy Logic and Applications,
Zurich, Switzerland, 1997, pp.265-271, edited by N. Steele, published by
ICSC Academic Press, Canada/Switzerland, ISBN: 3-906454-03-7.
- McLeod, V. Balendran,
K. Sivayoganathan, and D. Al-Dabass, "Investigation of Resistance Spot
Welding Parameter Relationships", pp.342-346, Advances in
Manufacturing Technology XI, Proceedings of the 13th National
conference on Manufacturing Research, Ed: David Harrison, Sept 1997,
Glasgow, ISBN 1-9012-4811-9.
- DiSouza, K. Sivayoganathan,
D. Al-Dabass, V. Balendran,
and J. Keat, "Machine Vision for Robotic
Assembly: Issues and Experiments", pp114-118, Advances in
Manufacturing Technology XI, Proceedings of the 13th National
conference on Manufacturing Research, Ed: David Harrison, Sept 1997,
Glasgow, ISBN 1-9012-4811-9.
- Battersby, P. Anderson, A. Eder, and D. Al-Dabass, "A Diagnostics System for Distributed
Agents using Java and a Client/Server Architecture", Proc.
British Computer Society Client/Server 97 conference, Magdelene College, Cambridge, SGES publications ISBN
- Al-Dabass,
"A System's Theoretic Approach to Thinking About
Diagrams", position statement for Thinking with Diagrams: An
Interdisciplinary Workshop, Portsmouth, January 9 and 10, 1997,
available on line via Cambridge University URL URL
- M. Ren, D. Al-Dabass, and D. Su, "A Three-Layer Hierarchy for
Representing Chinese Characters", Research and Development in
Expert Systems XIII: Proceedings of Expert Systems 96, the Sixteenth
Annual Technical Conference of the British Computer Society Specialist
Group on Expert Systems, St Johns College, Cambridge, UK, 16-18 Dec
1996, pp.137-146, edited by J. L. Nealon and
J. Hunt, sponsored by IEE, DTI, EPSRC, ii, published by SGES
Publications, ISBN: 1-899621-13-X.
- Hu Z, King G, Al-Dabass D, "Implementation of
one bit delay 2-D IIR digital filters", 1996 IEEE International
Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Circuits and Systems Connecting the
World, ISCAS 96 (Cat. No.96CH35876), IEEE, 1996, pp.489-92 vol.2.
New York, NY, USA,ISBN 0- 7803-3073-0.
- D. Al-Dabass,
M. Ren, and D. Su, "An Associative Memory ANN System with a
Combined Radicals Method for Chinese Character Recognition", Proc
of ICONIP'95 Int. Conf. on Neural Information Processing, pp857-860,
Eds Uixin Zhong, Yixian Yang & Minghui Wang, held Oct 30-Nov 3 1995, Beijing
University of Posts and Telecomms, Beijing,
China, ISBN 7-5053-3355-0.
- D. Al-Dabass,
"Distributed Parallel Processing using the Synchronous Farms
Technique", in PPECC Workshop '95 on 'Distributed vs Parallel:
convergence or divergence? edited by Brian
Henderson, pp 19-22, Rutherford Appleton Lab, Abingdon, March 14-15
- D. Al-Dabass,
C. Goodwin, and K. Sivayoganathan,
"Simulation of a Vision Steering System for Road Vehicles", Proc.
of EUROSIM '95 Sept 11-15 1995, Technical University of Vienna,
Austria, pp 1247-1252, Eds F Breitenecker & Irmgard Huskinsky,
ISBN 0-444-822410.
- D. Al-Dabass,
"Performance Limits of Parallel Simulation on Server Farms",
OR-37, 37th Operational Research Society Conference,
(abstracts) Sept 12-14 1995, University of Kent, Canterbury, Organising
Committee chair Phil Stringer, p. 61.
- D. Al-Dabass,
C. Goodwin, and K. Sivayoganathan, "The
Feasibility of Autonomous Steering using Stereo Vision", Proc.
of 28th ISATA- Int. Symposium on Automative
Technology and Automation, Sept 18-22 1995, Stuttgart, Germany, pp
377-381, Eds Dr J I Soliman
and Prof D Roller, ISBN 0-947719-74-1.
- M. Ren, D. Su, and D. Al-Dabass, "An Associative Memory Artificial
Neural Network System", Proc of ECAC'95, European Chinese
Automation Conference, Sept 16-17, 1995, London, Eds
Guoping Liu and Huaiqiang
Zhang, pp 91-96.
- D. Al-Dabass
and P. Vindlacheruvu, "Levels of
Parallelism in Neural Network Algorithms", Proc of 7th
on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, October 18-21
1995, Georgetown University, Washington DC, IASTED-ACTA Press,
pp.308-10, Anaheim, CA, USA, ISBN 0- 88986-228-1.
- D. Al-Dabass
and P. Vindlacheruvu, "A Multiple
Pipeline Architecture for Simulating Neural Network Systems", Proc
of ESS '95, 7th European Simulation Symposium, Oct 26-28, 1995,
Friedrich-Alexander, University, Erlangen, Nuremberg, Germany, pp
469-472, Eds Mario DalCin,
Ulrich Herzog, Gunter Bolch & Ali Riza Kaylan, ISBN 1-56555-083-8.
- Z. Hu, G.A. King, P.G. Adamopoulos, and D. Al-Dabass,
"A Systolic Structure for Median Filters", Proceedings of
5th International Conference on Signal Processing Applications and
Technology, Vol 1, pp 1711-1714, held in Dallas,Texas,
USA, Oct 18-21 1994, Conference Chair, Dr Amnon
Aliphas, DSP Associates.
- P. Vindlacheruvu,
and D. Al-Dabass, "Simulation of a Neural
Network Co-processor", Proc of UKSS '93, First Conference of the
UK Simulation Society, Sept 13-15 1993, Eds
R J Pooley and R N Zobel, pp 173-176.
- Quarmby, and D. Al-Dabass, "Simulation of a Neural Network for
Trajectory Tracking and Parameter Elimination", UKSS '93, First
Conference of the UK Simulation Society, Sept 13-15 1993, Eds R J Pooley and R N Zobel,
pp 177-180.
- Cheetham, and D. Al-Dabass,
"A Neural Network Simulation Algorithm for the Classification of
Surfaces", UKSS '93, First Conference of the UK Simulation
Society, Sept 13-15 1993 Eds R J Pooley
and R N Zobel, pp 163-167.
- H M Powell, D Willamson, D Palmer-Brown, D Al-Dabass,
"Using CAL In Higher Education To Enhance Learning About Computer
Hardware", pp154-156, Rethinking the Roles of Technology in
Education, Vol.1, 10th International Conf. on Technology and Education,
March 21-24, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1993, editors: Nolan Estes
and Michael Thomas.
- D Palmer-Brown, H Powell, D
Williamson, D Al-Dabass, "Computing
Students' Responses to Computer-Based Learning", pp1178-1180, Rethinking
the Roles of Technology in Education, Vol.2, 10th International Conf. on
Technology and Education, March 21-24, MIT, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, 1993, editors: Nolan Estes and Michael Thomas.
- V Balendran,
K. Sivayoganathan, D. Al-Dabass
and L. Evett, "An Expert Assistant for
the Inspection of Car Body Panels", pp.183-187, Advances in
Manufacturing Technology-VI, 7th National Conference on
Production Research, Sept. 1991, Edited by: Derek Spurgeon
and Olufunso Apampa.
- S J Osbaldiston,
K Sivayoganathan and D Al-Dabass,
"An Intelligent Interactive Environment for Co-ordinate Measurement
Systems", pp.67-71, 5th NCPR National Conference on
Production Research, 6-8 September 1989, Huddesfield
- V Balendran,
K Sivayoganathan and D Al-Dabass,
"Detection of Flaws on Slowly Varying Surfaces", pp.82-85, 5th
NCPR, National Conference on Production Research, 6-8 September
1989, Huddesfield Polytechnic.
- D. Al-Dabass,
"Characteristic Estimation of Point Objects using Stereo
Vision", IEE Colloquium on Digital Signal Processing, London,
Digest No. 1985/115, pp5/1-5/13, 12 December 1985.
- D. Al-Dabass,
"Partitioning and Synchronisation Concepts for Computing Dynamical
Systems Algorithms on Distributed Computer Control Networks", 3rd
IFAC Workshop on DCCS, August 15-17, 1981, Beijing, pp.53-64, Pergman Press, 1982, Oxford, ISBN 0-08-028672-0.
- D. Al-Dabass,
"Modelling, Simulation and Control of Mechanical Arms", 5th
International Congress of Cybernetics and Systems, World
Organisation of General Systems and Cybernetics, August 17-22, 1981,
Mexico City.
- D. Al-Dabass,
"A Theoretical Distributed Intelligence Approach to Modelling the
Dynamics of Developing Countries", abstracts, 5th International
Congress of Cybernetics and Systems, World Organisation of General
Systems and Cybernetics, August 17-22, 1981, Mexico City.
- D. Al-Dabass,
"A Vision Algorithm for Distance and Orientation
Measurements", IASTED 1st Int. Symposium on
Modelling, Identification and Control, Feb. 18-21, 1981, Davos,
Switzerland, pp.111-113, ISBN 0-88986-028-9.
- D. Al-Dabass,
"Design of Mechanical Arms Controllers Using the Nonlinear
Synthesis Method", 1st lASTED
International Conference on Applied Modelling and Simulation,
September 9-11, 1981, Lyon, France.
- D. Al-Dabass,
"A Control Theoretic Approach to Intelligence", abstracts,
NATO Symp. on Human
and Artificial Intelligence, October 26-30, 1981, Lyon, France.
- D. Al-Dabass,
"Software Techniques for Simulating Multiprocessors at the Machine
State Level", Proc. of UK Simulation Council Conference on
Computer Simulation, Harrogate, 13-15 May 1981, pp.380-389, ISBN
- D. Al-Dabass,
"Design Concepts for a Hierarchical Two-Dimensional Multiprocessor
Structure", 14th Hawaii Inter. Conf. on Systems
Science, January 1981, Vol. 1, pp248-257, ISSN 0073-1129.
- D. Al-Dabass,
"Parallel Processing Concepts for Distributed Computer Control
Systems", 1st IFAC Workshop on DCCS, Oct. 2-4,
1979, Tampa, Florida, Pergamon Press, Ed. T.J.
Harrison, 1980, pp.143-156, ISBN 0-08-024490-4.
- D. Al-Dabass,
"Parallel Processing for Control Algorithms Implementation", IEE
Colloquium on Implementation of Real-Time Control Algorithms,
London, Jan 8, 1980.
- D. Al-Dabass,
"The Impact of Modern Control Theory and Technology on Assembly
Automation", 1st Int. Conf
on Assembly Automation, Brighton, March 25-27, 1980, IFS
Publications, pp.155-186.
- D. Al-Dabass,
"Performance Models for a Particular Multiprocessor Structure",
3rd Int. Conf. On Mathematical Modelling, 29-31 July
1980, University of Southern California, Los Angeles.
- D. Al-Dabass,
"Design Concepts for Scheduling Real-Time Multiprocessor
Software", Cybersoft 80, Int.
Symposium on Cybernetics and Software, Sept 9, 1980, Namur, Belgium.
- D. Al-Dabass
and Rutherford, "Simulation of a Chain-Like Multiprocessor for
Continuous Systems Simulation", Proc of UK Simulation Council
Conference on Computer Simulation, Chester, April 1978, pp.338-349,
ISBN 0-902852-92-2.
- D. Al-Dabass
and Rutherford, "Simulation Techniques for Microprocessor Based
Parallel Architecture", IMACS Conference on Parallel
Computers-Parallel Mathematics, Munich, March 1977, pp.125-132.
- D. Al-Dabass,
"Microprocessor Based Parallel Computers and their Application to
the Solution of Control Algorithms", ACM Int
Computing Symposium 1977, April, Leige,
Belgium, pp.261-270, ISBN 0-7204-0741-9.
- D. Al-Dabass,
"An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Multi-processor Clusters in
Real-Time Applications", IFAC/IFIP Int. Workshop on Real-Time
Programming, Paris, June 1976, pp.173-187, ISBN 2-7261-0089-9.
- D. Al-Dabass,
"Multiminicomputers in Optimal Control
Calculations", Proc of Conference on Computer Simulation, UK
Simulation Council, Windermere, 1975 published in SCS Simulation
Council Proceeding Series, vol. 6, no. 2, December 1976, pp.149-156,
ISSN 0037-5519.
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- Whos Who in the 21st Century, 1st
Edition, IBC, Cambridge, 2002, pp106, ISBN: 0-948875-747.
- Dictionary of
International Biography, 27th Edition, IBC, Cambridge, 1999,
ISBN: 0-948875-48-8.
- International
Who's Who of Professionals, 1997, ISBN: 1-882952-09-0.
- Prominent Names
in Simulation, 1982, Society for Computer Simulation, San Diego,
California, USA.
- Community of
Science, Expertise profile
British Computer
Society, FBCS, CEng
of Mathematics & its Applications, FIMA, CMath
Simulation Society, Journal
Int. J.
of Simulation: Systems, Science & Technology, ISSN: 1473-804x
(online), 1473-8031(print)
Associate Editor
Int. J. of
Intelligent Games & Simulation, ISSN 1477-2043
European Council for Modelling and Simulation
New York Academy of
Institution of Engineering and Technology,
Institute of
Electrical & Electronic Engineers
Association of
Computing Machinery
Postgraduate Programme leader: MSc in
Computing Systems, MSc in Real time Computing Applications, MSc in
Computer Gaems DSystems.
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